It is our policy to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees and visitors to our premises by adhering to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 by:
- Providing adequate control of the risks to the health and safety arising from the activities of the company.
- Maintaining safe systems of working.
- Providing and maintaining plant and equipment used by the company at required safety levels.
- Ensuring safe handling, storage and transport of materials and use of substances.
- Providing information, instruction and supervision for employees and to consult with our employees on matters affecting their Health and Safety.
- Ensuring all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training and to provide protective equipment as necessary.
- Preventing accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
- Monitoring safety performance to maintain agreed standards.
- Reviewing and revising the Health and Safety Policy as necessary at regular intervals.
To enable this to happen we have a NEBOSH qualified Health and Safety Adviser. Working closely with the whole team to ensure the best Health and Safety standards are put in place and always remain followed. This is made possible by auditing the business and producing actions that are closed out accordingly.
Our Health and Safety Adviser provides in-house training, inductions, tool box talks, face fitting of masks, audits, policy management, emergency preparedness, advice on occupational health and welfare, work environment activities and equipment, provision of safe system of work, and industry advice and updates.
All of Diespeker site staff are trained on manual handling, abrasive wheels, and are face fitted to wear the correct RPE. All site staff have the relevant CSCS cards.
In 2021 Diespeker decided to improve its already existing Health & Safety procedures by applying for CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme). CHAS is widely recognised and shows your company is willing to adhere to the HASAWA 1974 (Health and Safety at Work Act). CHAS ensures every company who applies has the correct policies and procedures in place. The company was approved in May 2021 and once again in 2022. CHAS is assessed yearly.