We are delighted to announce that we’ve now published our second magazine, celebrating all things terrazzo and natural stone. We’ve been putting this together during the second and third lockdowns – one way of keeping us out of trouble!
It’s been said that print is dead, but here at Diespeker we beg to differ. Over the past year many people have relearned how important it is to take time over things rather than rushing. Reading, enjoying and digesting a printed magazine at leisure is a real treat, especially when accompanied by a delicious coffee.
Our previous magazine was published in 2018 and was really well received, telling the story of some of the amazing projects we’d been working on and the strides we’d taken working with terrazzo in particular. Since then, we haven’t rested on our laurels but have continued to expand our skills, push the boundaries and develop new ways of meeting client expectations, and our new magazine illustrates just some of the highlights.
There’s a focus on Palladiana, a traditional style of terrazzo that we’ve given a contemporary twist. This bespoke-made terrazzo really does allow client input – even to the extent of placing the chunks into their final position. We explain the process and showcase a couple of projects where we’ve used the concept to great effect.
You’ll find out about other projects which we’re particularly proud of. From the commercial world there’s Berners Street and the Royal Academy of Arts, and in hospitality, Folie and Kolomba. We handle many residential projects so it was tricky to choose, but we’re thrilled to highlight beautiful bespoke terrazzo for Witlof Design, bewitching conglomerate for Space A and dramatic black quartz for Jeri Journeaux.

There’s lots more to discover, including some of the ways we moved successfully through lockdown: running a terrazzo design competition and devising a fantastic terrazzo design studio. There’s even a chance to meet the team! A full fourteen pages are given over to our products so you can take a peek at some of our popular and newest terrazzo designs, along with porcelain, marble, engineered stone and granite – you might well be inspired for your next project.
A big thank you to all the clients whose projects are featured in the magazine. It’s a pleasure to be involved with such amazing creativity.
To request a hard copy (or a digital PDF) please complete the form on the page linked below. We really recommend requesting a hard copy for the full experience! That, and the aforementioned coffee, will give you the perfect excuse to take a break and discover more about Diespeker.